ethics & standards

ethics & standards

code of ethics & conduct

AFDA Members are bound by a strict Code of Ethics and Practice Statement and Code of Professional Conduct designed to meet both community needs and expectations in all aspects of service delivery. The code is reassurance to the community of sincere care and professional service, particularly at a time of uncertainty and distress for grieving family and relatives.


Prospective member firms must comply with required standards for Premises, Equipment and Vehicles (PEV) before AFDA membership is granted with re-accreditation required every three years. Appropriate standards for facilities and practice in funeral service are necessary to:

  • Comply with all local, state and Commonwealth Occupational Health and Safety standards
  • Comply with all local, state and Commonwealth public health standards
  • Enable funerals to be arranged and conducted in accordance with the needs and wishes of client families

AFDA members are covered for copyright for all licensing of publishable material (written or performed) in a funeral or associated service and for live streaming.



Members are required to undertake a minimum number of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours each year. CPD is education learning activities that develop knowledge and skill in a person’s work. The purpose of CPD is to ensure that AFDA members maintain the highest possible standard of practice through a commitment to continued learning in their businesses. AFDA members have access to over 40 individual education sessions annually including workshops, road shows, webinars and events including an annual National Convention.


AFDA provides a formal complaints policy to resolve any issues that may arise between AFDA member funeral directors and their clients. The AFDA is committed to facilitating a satisfactory resolution to consumer concerns or dissatisfaction with the services provided by AFDA member funeral directors.


AFDA works in collaboration with the Australian Institute of Embalming (AIE). AIE has been promoting the professional standards and acceptance of embalming as part of the funeral process for over 20 years. Embalmers undergo an intensive two year training program in order to become qualified practitioners. Members of the AIE are bound by a strict Code of Ethics.